Those are the magic words that make a project manager’s heart sing. Coincidentally, those words accurately describe my current status for my attempt to feed 28 skaters for 24 hours. The last couple of days were filled with prep work, more shopping, and half-finished recipes that I’ll assemble on Friday. Not exactly exciting blogging material, you know?
In typical fashion, doubts are creeping in and I wonder if I plan for enough food. To quiet those doubts, I am preparing bonus dishes and starting to feel like an Italian grandmother before Sunday family dinner. This can quickly get out of hand. No interesting photos to show either other than some progress shots. Recounting the last two days:
- I shopped at two Chinese grocery stores, one Korean grocery store, bulk store, two mainstream grocery stores, and farmer’s market.
- I scaled and packaged ingredients for malted waffles and spiced porridge. They will be made on site.
- I soaked and cooked chickpeas and lupini beans.
- I chopped dried fruit for quinoa salad.
- I made 5 cups worth of Paula Wolfert’s hummus. Best. Hummus. Ever.
- I baked a Caribbean rum cake. It is a bonus post-race treat for the grown ups.
- I baked a Persimmon Bundt cake. It is another bonus dish to help me free up space in the freezer. Those frozen persimmon puree were taking up room.
- I cooked brown basmati rice and black rice. They will be used for grape leaf pilaf.
As you can see, things are moving along nicely. I’m not sure if I’ll stick with my regular posting schedule this Friday since I’ll be very busy with all the cooking. Keep an eye out on my Facebook page though. I’ll be posting photos all day long as I complete each recipe!