Aficionados of Mexican cuisine may want to avert your eyes as I show off my Mole Chicken Chili in anticipation of Cinco de Mayo this Saturday. This is by no means authentic but that doesn’t mean it is not tasty. In fact, I happily drowned my chickpea flour-dusted roti with succulent pieces of chicken, mole sauce, fresh green scallions, and toasty sesame seeds. Being authentic is not the only way to be sometimes. Some days, I too crave chicken balls with day glo red sweet and sour sauce.
This year I spent more time in the US than ever before. I must say, food costs significantly less south of the border. I’m easily tempted by a good deal so I ended up purchasing ingredients simply because they were of good value. The same doesn’t happen too often once I return to Canada.
My gym is located inside a large grocery store 500m away from my front door. One of my favourite post-workout cool down activity is wandering aimlessly in the store. A friend once told me she doesn’t know anyone who spend as much time grocery shopping except perhaps her retired grandmother. I sheepishly agree. An upside of being a frequent shopper is that I spot out great deals quite frequently. Just a few days ago, it was chicken thighs that caught my eye. Naturally I had to figure out a meal to incorporate my latest bargain find.