This post marks the 1000th entry I wrote on Dessert By Candy since this blog started in 2005. I took time recently to read some of my older writings and it brought up all kinds of emotions. There were fun moments like my annual holiday baking and homemade gifts. There were memories of triumph when I mastered new cooking and baking skills or hosted great parties. There were flashes of silliness like the time I created a fantasy in-flight meal or the cake that waves back at you. I experienced challenges and growth, some more difficult to overcome than others. I went through phases which I could not look past my own navel and generally not too pleasant to be around. I also let this blog collect dust for long stretches of time simply because I lost the motivation to write about things that make me smile. Only since the last 12 months have I find a new focus of what Dessert By Candy is all about.
Writing used to be my least favourite activity. I would stare at a blank page for hours yet nothing came out of my twirling pen. But of course everyone’s been right all along. This is a skill that takes practice. The more I write, the easier it became to put my thoughts in words. Nowadays, I have more things to write about than time and energy allow. I discover interesting stories from the mundane daily life and have something to say about them.
Joining Kawartha Ecological Growers and being a part of online community French Fridays with Dorie are major reasons why Dessert By Candy is the way it is today. With a steady supply of farm-fresh produce and weekly assignment of dishes to cook, my love for home cooking flourishes with encouragements from friends and family, online and off. Baking continues to be the foundation of my kitchen knowledge but it is pretty amazing to prepare nourishing meals that I look forward to eat. I can start my day with homemade bread and jam. It’s hard to argue the practicality of these valuable skills in the kitchen.
Looking ahead, I have many plans for my little sandbox. First and foremost, I want to be a better writer and photographer. My words and pictures may never be moving nor inspiring but I hope Dessert By Candy can at least entertain. Develop original recipes is another big item on my to do list. That will slowly come along as I grow into a more competent and confident cook. I’m really fond of the Menu Monday idea because it bridges the gap between another pretty dish of another blogger to a solid plan that you can execute at home. I hope to dive deeper into this topic and make it more helpful.
Thank you for spending time with me for the last seven years, whether you drop by occasionally or come here for regular updates. How appropriate that my 1000th post coincide with Thanksgiving. I have so much to be thankful for. The fact that you’re reading these words is enough to make me smile.
Tomorrow, we’ll have cake.