It's pretty amazing how feelings can change so quickly. This must be nature working its magic to let me heal. Similar to a physical cut, a heartbreak evolves into different stages of pain until it eventually just becomes an inconvenience. Here's a timeline in the last few weeks.
minus 6 days: He left me sitting there crying.
minus 3 days: Okay, I have slow reaction but what kind of bf does that?! Better talk to him about this face to face before weekend road trip.
minus 2 days: Circumstances didn't allow for an opportunity to clear the air before road trip. Combining with many other things going on in my life, it looked like I was falling into a phase of depression. I was still in denial though.
minus 1 day: Depression was getting out of my control but I was stuck in that road trip with him. Avoiding all contact so I wouldn't say anything I would regret. Sigh, all I really wanted was a hug and that would make everything okay. Alas, he seemed determine to irritate me instead. Fine. I must distance myself from him.
break up day: Getting more depressed by the hour and battling those irrational but familiar thoughts drained every ounce of energy from me. Why was I still stuck on that road trip? Finally returned home and had a chance to confess about my depression and apologized. He decided to break up with me but he wouldn't abandon me as a friend. What kind of BS was that?! I bawled my eyes out but he was not moved. I drove home in a blur of tears.
plus 1 day: Woke up and cried some more. I was heartbroken.
plus 3 days: His very presence annoyed me. I couldn't stand the sight of him but at the same time I really really missed him.
plus 7 days: What the heck did he mean he didn't know what happened?! I was very ill and he decided to leave. What's so hard to understand about that? Wasn't he the one who dumped me? Sheesh.
plus 8 days: He sent me a note saying he regretted his decision and wanted to turn back the clock. This required face to face discussion. "Maybe Tuesday"?! Hmm, that's not a good sign. Apparently this was not important enough to him to schedule a time. I would give him benefit of a doubt though. I really wanted things to work.
plus 9 days: He totally blew me off. Wonderful. Just wonderful. Sending out a note like that only to back off?! I was pissed.
plus 11 days: Well, if he wasn't coming to me, I would go to him. Coward. What did I want to talk to him about though? I forgot because I totally lost my temper like never before. There's no going back now. He is my enemy for hurting me out of ignorance. He can wallow in his own stupidity for eternity.
I am on the road to recovery. It's been two months although some days are tougher than others. The ultimate goal of course is to remove him from the fabric of my emotion so ceasing all contact is a key objective. Friendship is not out of the question in distant future but it is not something to consider until I heal from this senseless heartbreak. In the mean time, I went from being totally annoyed by his existence to just mildly irritated. I'm sure that, soon, I'll be able to treat him as if he doesn't exist.
You know how people say the 24hr after a disappearance is the key period of which police can gather clues to locate the missing person? Once this window has passed, the chance of ever finding this person again is minimal. I think a similar window of opportunity exists after a break up. After a month, the chance of reconciliation becomes really slim. I believe this window of opportunity has come and gone for that relationship.