Friend and I went shopping at T&T Supermarket not too long ago with the purpose to find the best sweet potato chips. Apparently, sweet potato is the latest fashionable flavour and we found many snacks boasting this sweet starchy vegetable. After a long detail comb-through of the aisles, we came up with three different candidates for our taste-off challenge:

From left to right we had representatives from Vietnam, Hong Kong, and Korea. The Vinamit Vietnam sweet potato snack was cut like french fries. Unfortunately, they were a little stale and fried to oblivion. Our teeth had a good workout just chomping on these snacks. The sweetness of the sweet potato was also lost.
I had so much hope for the Calbee sweet potato crisps. Calbee was my childhood favourite for potato chips but these reconstitute crisps simply had too much fillers. It would be best described as a sweet potato flavour crisp at best. When I opened the bag, it smelled delicious. Unfortunately, that was the best thing about this snack.
The last candidate of our taste-off came from Korea via China. The packaging was full of Korean characters so I could only imagine that it was sold in Korea. However, a more detail look at the labels reveal that these chips were made in China. No matter...because these are the clear winner in our taste-off. The chips were obviously thinly sliced sweet potato deep fried to delicious crunchiness. The sweetness of the sweet potato was preserved. That was exactly what we were looking for. After a taste, my friend ran right back to T&T and bought a few more bags of these chips to stock up. They were truly tasty.