Never have I imagined that I would look at a box of absolutely delicious truffles from Teuscher and feel sad. I received this belated Valentine's Day gift not too long ago. What made me really happy was not that it was from Teuscher, rather, it was the fact that he remembered my preference for chocolate from previous conversations. Key to a girl's heart is to pay attention.
I have taken my time to savour these truffles, enjoying at most one piece a day. Unfortunately, it made me very very sad today to realize that I have yet to finish these chocolates. Chocolate can be very bitter when mixed with a cocktail of sadness and disappointment. The taste of these chocolate melting in my mouth used to fill me with joy and contentment. It was a feeling of knowing that someone was thinking of me. However, it is now replaced by a sense that I'm all hollow inside. Food can ilicit such powerful memories and wonder Proust and his madeleine have been praised over and over again.