With my recent success in learning the Salchow jump in figure skating, I decided to use the entire practice session last night to reinforce my muscle memory, making sure that my first successful attempt last Sunday was not a fluke. After 45 minutes of jumping, I can now perform this jump reliably 80% of the time. Considering that I could not even bring myself to take off from my left leg a week ago, this sudden surge of improvement is very welcome indeed.
Unfortunately, there is a price to pay. I discovered that I developed and ripped a huge blister on my left heel by the end of the session. Even though I did not fall too many times yesterday, I woke up this morning with sore muscles (on my derriere, of all the places!). On the bright side, I suppose the sore muscle is a good indication that my technique for the jump is more or less correct.
If you see me walking at a much slower pace than usual in the next couple of days, you would understand why. It's very difficult to walk slowly. Between the time I lift my toes off the floor and the moment my heel touches the ground, I often catch myself thinking I can cut this time at least in half if I only my foot doesn't hurt with every step I take! I can't wait to get back to my normal walking pace. Walking at a leisurely pace is absolutely maddening.